My Name in Braille

Penny Fleming

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About Louis Braille

January 4, 2009, (this just so happens to be my birthday also) marks the bicentennial of the birth of Louis Braille, a genius inventor who bestowed the gift of literacy to blind people around the world...Continue Reading >>

When the economy slowed down I needed to speed up my ideas. On my Birthday January 4th, 2009 I started Braille Awards and Menu transcribing. This so happens over 200 years ago Louis Braille was born. I wanted to find a niche that I would be passionate about. I already owned a successful awards company. When my kids were in middle school they had a blind skier come to the school and talk about himself being blind and his love for skiing. They gave this remarkable young man a beautiful certificate…. but it was behind glass. I knew I wanted to create awards for the blind. This was the day Braille Awards was created. Since then I have been creating braille awards and the company is going strong.