This is my name in Braille – Penny Fleming
Braille signs are no longer only found at hotels, offices, and hospitals. If your facility has a snack area, a gift shop, waiting room, fitness center, mail room, or even a room for coats, the ADA law specifies you must install a tactile Braille sign. I am here to make them creative and unique! Braille Awards offers custom Braille signs.
It is also easy to customize your own Braille signs. Create a set of custom room number signs or custom Braille signs with your own text. We will convert your number or legend to Grade 2 Braille.
All signs meet ADA requirements and have a raised legend or pictogram along with Grade 2 Braille. Just tell me what you want and I can have it made into a Braille sign.
The St. Charles Parks & Recreation Department needed new Braille signs for the trees in the park. Many of the signs had been stolen or damaged. The left photo is what needed to be transcribed. The second photo is what it used to look like and the photo on the right is the new Braille sign that will go on or near the trees.
We produce Braille signs in all colors, shapes, and sizes. You may have Braille and the written words on one plaque. Just let me know and I will gladly help you. (949) 631-5596 awardpro@gmail.com