No time to read this and just want a quote. Send your PDF of your restaurant to my email. or call me at (949) 631-5596
We can convert your menu into large print or Braille, taking care to preserve your branding. These are word-for-word duplicates of your menu, with your choice of binding for durability and with a Braille copy of the cover of your regular menu on the front. We produce Braille, large print, or a combination of Braille and large print menus.
In a time when “accessibility” and “inclusiveness” have become important elements of doing business, many restaurant owners are choosing to make their establishments more welcoming to people who are blind or visually impaired by offering Braille and large print menus. Not only is this simply the “right thing to do,” but when you offer a Braille/large print menu to a customer who is blind or visually impaired, you are creating a sense of goodwill in the community you can be proud of. Braille menus can mean a lot! Having a menu he or she can read makes that person part of the party – he or she can discuss what to have and not be left out. The most crucial fact of the matter is that visually impaired people cannot enjoy an independent dining experience without Braille menus and they can not feel independent if an important document has to be read to them. The feel of the menu when it is presented and the way it is presented is significant. Imagine a visually impaired person is at your host stand right now. Can you provide them with the best of service and the respect and dignity of independence? With the help of Braille Awards, Document, and Menu Transcribing, you can proudly show them and others how much you value their business, by having accessible Braille menus, important documents (or large print menus) ready and available for them. Imagine the positive response of your sighted customers when they see you care enough to provide alternative menus or important documents for those with visual impairments.
Become Efficient – Having a time-crunched server reading a menu to someone who is visually impaired is not efficient. Or when the visually impaired customer comes to you and they have to sign important documents. How nice that you took the time to have them transcribed into “their” words.
Improve Customer Service – By allowing your patrons who are blind and visually impaired access to your menus or documents, you’ve not only empowered them but made them feel comfortable in a place they may otherwise not be comfortable. Happy visitors = repeat customers to your restaurant or business. After all, people don’t like to frequent places where they are not comfortable.
The fact that they do not have to be read to like a child is a reason why all restaurants and businesses should be required to have on hand Braille menus or Braille Documents. We all love to be independent and how thoughtful the restaurants and businesses that have taken the extra step to provide Braille menus or documents. We’ll translate your menu or documents into Braille or Large Print and deliver it to you bound with a durable cover. You can send us your menu or documents in a variety of formats including CD-ROM, e-mail attachment or regular mail. Does your menu change often? No problem – we can make the necessary edits and send you the updated menu very quickly.
A Braille menu is not an everyday request for most restaurants but with our range of options you will be able to offer great service to your clients should the need arise.
Email me your menu and I will gladly quote you. We also offer a variety of covers to match your restaurant décor.
We also convert:
• Rental Agreements
• Instructions
• Loan Documents
• Contracts
• Escrow Instructions
• Sales Documents
• And any other document into Braille or large print
If you can imagine it, We can Braille it.
Call us at (949) 631-5596 and we will help you find the perfect Braille Promotional Product.
Now for a little humor!

This wood and metal portable braille writer is in the shape of a ruler. It is 13 inches wide by 3 inches high and 3 inches deep. The long side of the braille writer faces the user, who depresses keys that are on the right-hand side. These keys punch holes in a metal grid of braille dot cells.